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The Liber Necropolis is a book written by an eldritch entity known as Zombiejiger, the Necrobane.


The Liber Necropolis features text, notes and imagery on various dark and mysterious powers.

Creating and enhancing monsters and abominations are some of the first arts taught in the Liber Necropolis. These are expanded upon with the notes of an ancient human named Abdul Alhazred, who wrote a book known as the Necronomicon in the 700s. This book took many points from the Liber Necropolis, but simplified yet expanded on them to allow mortals to comprehend them. Zombiejiger found this book fascinating, and expanded upon his tome with excerpts of the lesser book.

Similarly, summoning and contacting the powers from beyond the universe are taught in the Liber Necropolis. The location of ritual points and portals are marked in the tome, as well as detailed descriptions of the actions themselves. These include a particularly strange and offensive ritual dance known only as the "dab."

The manipulation of death and undeath is described as well. These pages are rife with warnings and long notes. The tools of Necromancy are listed, from the ingredients in potions to stones and gems.

Draining life is a dark power taught in the pages of the Liber Necropolis, in order to empower the user. Zombiejiger especially marked this portion, as he commonly used it in combat situations.

Rituals, spells and incantations to ward off The Detestation are listed in the book. These range from simple chants to ornate practices which can temporarily (and permanently) ban the wretch from existence.

Finally, there are notes on Power Metal bands, despite the book's dark nature there is no Black Metal whatsoever, for the author hates it. The author's favorite bands are mentioned, along with what he likes in music and the best way to listen (LOUD).


  • "When summoning entities from beyond reality, risk doing the dab only in the most desperate situation. Not because it is dangerous in itself, but because everyone else will want to kill you."
  • "You may wonder why this book features so much dark stuff, but not Black Metal. That's because I prefer to understand singers, not listen to vague growls about evil."